How do you deal with rejection?


Rejection, I am all over you as long as there is hope! It�s par for the course and I�ve learned to pause and then quickly move on. I did not get published over night so I definitely had my fair share of rejection, which propelled me to hone my craft and keep on going.

However, if I never had hope, I think I would have quit a long time ago. That�s why it�s so important to surround yourself with positive people that respect what you�re doing. I am very happy to be part of a critique group that has definitely helped me grow and been there for me when I received those dreaded rejection letters. Also, my husband has always believed in me and supported me in my quest to be an author. To have him to lean on is awesome.

When I receive a rejection it definitely hits me but I quickly say, what next? If there is something to improve on I do and if not I just move on. Not everyone is going to like everything so I try not to take it personally. Besides, I have more important things to worry about. Like right now as I'm writing this blog, I'm also feeding the baby, cooking Boca burgers with the hopes that they'll pass as hamburgers, and playing referee in the fight over which one of my sons has a better secret passowrd!

I�ve heard rejection only makes you stronger and if you offer me chocolate I might agree with you, but I would be just fine without it! And on that note, I�m sending out good vibes to all on whatever type of rejection you�re fighting!

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