Riding off into the sunset...


But as Jenny said in her post, a new adventure awaits and can I just tell y'all how excited I am? It was actually a pretty easy decision to say goodbye to the MTV Books Blog as a formal entity. It's been a great ride, but we're all moving on into new ventures, exploring new possibilities, and in short, coloring outside the lines that this particular blog provided.

And deciding what to do next was actually pretty easy, too. We all knew, without a doubt, that we wanted to keep blogging together. We've been this ragtag little bunch for the past several years and we've kind of developed this rebel mentality that prevents us from merely fading gently into that good night, so..

Come November 1st, I hope y'all will join us at our new venture. Again, as Jenny mentioned, we're not merely remaining stagnant. We were like those old Breck commercials, each of us telling two friends and spreading the word and because even within our little core group we're so diverse, we managed to amass an absolutely fantastic group of authors whose one defining characteristic is that we color outside the lines a bit. Push boundaries. It makes us sort of stubborn. Maybe a little crazy. But I think it's safe to say we all write with a lot of passion and heart and that's what our new blog is going to be about.

But for now, hasta la vista MTV Books Blog and thanks for the memories.

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